Print products

Type list - product details always to hand

Whether simple and monochrome, elaborate and colorful, with graphics or as a purely typographic list: Printed type lists provide a structured overview of your entire range and are always quickly to hand.

Good to know: Customers still like to use printed type lists because they appreciate the physical experience and ease of use. Type lists not only provide a clear overview, but also a trustworthy source of detailed information.

Trustworthy, user-friendly and sustainable

  • High level of trustworthiness
  • Sales support
  • Intuitively recognizable and learned structure, e.g. via registers
  • Haptic experience
  • Greater attention
  • Integration of product samples
  • No dependence on technology
  • User-friendly
  • Small ecological footprint

From classic to innovative

  • Classic brochures: Ideal for direct customer distribution or as a supplement to products.
  • Leaflets: A compact summary.
  • Catalogs: For more comprehensive product ranges.
  • Folder: Flexible design and can be added to as required.
  • Product sample integration: Integration of product samples or specimens using special pockets or flaps.
  • Multilingual editions: Increases accessibility and usability for a wider audience.
  • Personalized type lists: Highlighting of individual information or offers.

Order your free sample package.

Print products are touchpoints you can feel. Let us inspire you! We will be happy to put together a personal sample set according to your requirements.

Your sample package will be delivered to you within 3-4 working days.

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